Aged Care

Movement Therapy in Aged Care integrates social, emotional and physical health through therapeutic interventions, under the guise of great music and fun times.

Functionally these sessions focus on body part activation, connection, sequencing, physical strengthening, and stretching for everyday life activities. Movement fosters choice-making, independence, memory, social connection, and reciprocity in an embodied way while supporting individuals in authentic expression of their own feelings, joy, and access to playfulness.

With specialised training in Dance Wise from Dance Health Alliance Australia, my approach is informed by evidence-based practices and enriched by a deep understanding of the therapeutic benefits of dance.

In the words of Dance Health Alliance founder, Gwen Korebrits, Dance Therapy provides participants with a natural high, stimulating oxytocin for social connection, endorphins for pain relief and pleasure, serotonin for mood stabilisation, and dopamine for a sense of reward and satisfaction.

Through engaging in these classes, participants experience the uplifting effects of these neurotransmitters, contributing to their overall well-being and enjoyment of the therapeutic process

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